segunda-feira, 1 de março de 2010


RE: Your Message to Governor Sean Parnell

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para mim

mostrar detalhes 13:23 (2 horas atrás)

Thank you for writing to Alaska Governor Sean Parnell. Your concerns, input, and suggestions are important and valuable to the Governor. Due to the high volume of emails to our office, you should receive a reply within a couple of weeks, with priority given to Alaskan residents.

Please do not reply to this email. If you wish to contact Governor Parnell in the future, please address correspondence to

Alaska law prohibits the use of State of Alaska equipment or resources for campaign or partisan political purposes. Please do not send any messages or contributions concerning campaign or partisan political activities to this email address or any other State of Alaska office. Information about elections and candidates can be found at the Alaska Division of Elections website at

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